Menopause Anxiety Relief: Let’s Talk About It (and How Breathwork Can Help!)

Hello, my lovelies! Today, we’re diving into menopause anxiety relief, a topic that affects so many of us but doesn’t get nearly enough attention.

You know that feeling when your heart’s racing, your mind’s going at a million miles an hour, and you’re not quite sure why? Well, you’re not alone, and I’m here to help you understand what’s going on and share some useful ways to handle it.

What’s Actually Happening When Menopause Brings on Anxiety?

Let me tell you something that might surprise you — more than half of us going through menopause experience anxiety. Sometimes it’s just a niggling worry that won’t go away, and other times it can feel like a full-on panic. The frustrating bit? Some of us might only get anxiety as our menopause symptom, making it almost impossible to connect the dots between our feelings and what’s actually causing them.

Why Does This Happen to Us?

Hormonal changes often make menopause anxiety relief essential for many women. Right, here’s the science bit (but I’ll keep it simple!).

During menopause, our hormone levels, especially oestrogen, take a nosedive. This affects our brain’s happy chemicals (serotonin) and stress hormones (cortisol).

When oestrogen drops, cortisol can go a bit haywire, making us feel more stressed and anxious than usual. It’s like someone’s turned up the volume on all our everyday worries!

Plus, let’s be honest, menopause often shows up when life’s already throwing us plenty of curveballs. Whether it’s career changes, looking after elderly parents, empty nest, or relationship stuff, it can feel like everything’s happening at once.

Your body might be trying to tell you something if you’re experiencing:

  • Heart going like the clappers or feeling a bit skippy
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Sweating and those lovely hot flushes (not!)
  • Feeling like you can’t catch your breath
  • Panic attacks that come out of nowhere

Recognising these symptoms can be the first step toward menopause anxiety relief. These symptoms are real, and they can make other menopause symptoms feel even worse. Not fun at all! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or finding it difficult to cope, resources like Mind offer support and information.

So, What Can We Do About Menopause Anxiety?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, I’m afraid. Different things work for different people, but here are some approaches worth considering:

1. Lifestyle Tweaks 

   Sometimes small changes can make a big difference — like going for a daily walk, cutting back on the caffeine (I know, I know!), or making sure you’re getting enough sleep at night.

2. Finding Your Zen 

   This is where my favourite tool comes in — breathwork! More on this in a mo.

Why Breathwork is Key for Menopause Anxiety Relief

I discovered breathwork fairly recently in my journey, and let me tell you — it’s been a game-changer! It’s especially brilliant for managing anxiety because it helps calm your body’s stress response. When you’re doing proper functional breathing (that’s breathing from your diaphragm), you’re actually telling your body “Hey, everything’s alright!”

Give This Simple Breathwork Exercise a Go:

  1. Get comfy and pop your feet flat on the floor
  2. Rest your hands on your tummy
  3. Breathe in slowly through your nose, letting your belly push your hands out
  4. Breathe out gently through your mouth, feeling your tummy sink back down
  5. Keep this up for a few minutes, focusing on that gentle rise and fall

Really simple, right? But hugely powerful!

Other Options Worth Considering:

  • HRT: Worth chatting to your GP about this one — it helps some women loads with anxiety by sorting out those hormone levels
  • Having a Proper Chat: Talking therapies like CBT can be brilliant for breaking those anxiety cycles. Organisations such as Samaritans provide support if you need someone to talk to.
  • Medication: Sometimes your GP might suggest antidepressants, and that’s totally okay too

Remember This, My Lovelies

Menopause anxiety relief is entirely possible, and breathwork can be a fantastic place to start!

Menopause-related anxiety might feel overwhelming, but you’ve got more tools in your arsenal than you might think. Breathwork is just one of them, but it’s a brilliant place to start because you can do it anywhere, anytime, and it doesn’t cost a penny! Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. If you need extra support, reaching out to resources like Mind or the Samaritans can be a helpful step.

Whether you decide to try breathwork, chat with your GP about HRT, or explore other options, remember that you’re not going bonkers — this is a real thing that loads of us go through. The key is finding what works for you and being gentle with yourself while you figure it out.

Pop me a comment below if you’ve got any questions or want to share your own experience – I’d love to hear from you!

Bye for now, 

Kim x

Your Wessex Wise Woman

P.S. If you’re struggling with anxiety and want to learn more about how breathwork can help, give me a shout — I’d love to share more techniques with you!

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